Instacart Rental Car

Did you know that you can rent a car through Carla car rental and start to earn money with delivery services such as Instacart, Amazon Flex, Uber Eats and DoorDash?

Yes, it is possible and it is very simple!

As we all know, most of the people are spending their time at home due to COVID-19 at the moment. During these difficult times, delivery services (Instacart, Amazon Flex, Uber Eats and DoorDash) are on high-demand since people are frequently preferring one of those services in order to order their daily needs. Being a driver in one of those services could be a great way of earning money if you are currently living in the US. If you have a valid driving license in your hand, along with a credit or a debit card, you are free to check their website and start your application to be a driver.

Don’t worry! Carla is here for you to find a cheap and safe car rental solution.


Here’s how:

With delivery services, it is possible to earn money up to $35 per hour. If you are close to a popular location or to a place heavily populated in the US you can even make more money by delivering!

We believe that renting a car to be a delivery driver is the best way around. With Carla car rental you can find the cars in your area, you can compare many car rental companies and select the best car for your needs. Rates are really cheap. We promise!

A quick comparison

For example; daily rates of car rental are around $25-35 in Los Angeles and it is one of the hot spots for the delivery business which means that the amount you are earning will dramatically increase!

It is important to note that these delivery services also have a generous tip system so you can earn even more with the tips as you deliver the packages!

Here’s a table that you can compare how much you earn based on the popular locations in the US:

Location Daily Rental Rates Amazon Flex Uber Eats Instacart DoorDash
Los Angeles $25-35 $35 per hour $20-25 per hour $15-20 per hour $15-20 per hour
Orlando $30-35 $15-20 per hour $10-15 per hour $10-15 per hour $10-15 per hour
Miami $25-30 $25 per hour $15-20 per hour $15 per hour $15 per hour
New York $20-25 $25-30 per hour $20-25 per hour $15-20 per hour $15-20 per hour
Los Angeles $25-35 $35 per hour $20-25 per hour $15-20 per hour $15-20 per hour
Chicago $35-45 $15 per hour $10-15 per hour $10-15 per hour $10-15 per hour
Boston $35-45 $18-25 per hour $15-20 per hour $15-20 per hour $10-15 per hour
San Francisco $25-35 $30 per hour $25-30 per hour $25-30 per hour $15-20 per hour
Jacksonville $25-35 $18-25 per hour $15-20 per hour $15-20 per hour $10-15 per hour
Phoenix $35-40 $15-20 per hour $18 per hour $10-15 per hour $10-15 per hour
Seattle $25-30 $25-30 per hour $28 per hour $20 per hour $28 per hour

A QUICK REMINDER: Although there is a lockdown in some states, official delivery agents are still able to drive.

Other tips to increase how much you can earn

If you are planning to be a delivery driver in services such as Instacart, Amazon Flex, Uber Eats and DoorDash, you may also check long term rentals. As we described in one of our recent blogs, you can get an approximately 30% discount by renting a car for a long term. You may find the related blog by clicking HERE. Remember the more you rent, the more discount you get! We strongly believe that renting a car for a long term will greatly increase how much you can earn in the delivery business.

Now click HERE to download Carla car rental app and start to earn money today!

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