Best Thanksgiving Travel Tips
With everything going on with the world now, Thanksgiving is the long-waited and well-deserved holiday for most people. With a proper plan, you can enjoy your Thanksgiving with your loved ones with no headaches.
Here are some life-saving tips for your Thanksgiving trip:
1. Plan Ahead, Plan Ahead, Plan Ahead
Yes, it is important to plan in advance for every holiday but for Thanksgiving 2022, it is crucial. Many people will be traveling for the first time in several years and no one likes last-minute cancellations. With costs increasing daily, it is very important to be early, so decide your destination, book your flight, get your car rental, book your hotel as soon as possible before prices go up or get sold-out.
2. Look for Alternatives for Flights
According to the Business Insider, “Flights before Thanksgiving cost 43% more this year and it might only get more expensive.”. If you are not traveling too far, you can look for alternatives such as a car rental or train. If flying is a must, then try to avoid Sunday, the busiest travel day in the US, for your flight and try to be a little earlier and later than Thanksgiving day.
3. Pack Light
No matter which travel method you choose, having too many bags will certainly not help you. More airlines are charging for extra luggages. If you really need a lot of bags, renting a car is an option for you, you can consider bigger cars like SUV or minivans to fit all your bags. Alternatively, shipping your bags to your destination beforehand could be an option.
4. Stay Connected
To avoid last-minute delays and bad news, make sure to have travel apps for your needs. You can check your flight status and gate information, roadwork and traffic updates etc. to stay up-to-date with your travel.
5. Plan Your Route (and Have a Plan B)
Map out your route beforehand to be prepared for your road trip. Traffic can choke heavily traveled routes. Try to avoid the busiest highways, especially on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Sunday after the holiday. Back ways and side roads may be much quicker and safer. And always try to plan an alternative route just in case.
6. Relax
Even when you plan your whole trip with every little detail, unexpected things can happen. Try not to stress too much and try to be flexible and patient. Don’t forget the main meaning of the holiday. Being with your loved ones. In the worst case scenario, you will have a funny story to share around the Thanksgiving table.