Everything About Rental Car Insurance
Rental car insurance is a big question mark for first timers. Rental companies offer insurance plans for their customers. Usually there are four types of insurance, including liability coverage, personal accident insurance, personal effects coverage and a loss damage waiver.
If you are not sure about whether you need it, or not, think twice because being without a protection plan will be stressful. It may affect your driving comfort, and safety. But If you are renting with Carla, you do not need to worry about it. Carla provides the cheapest protection plan with best inclusions.
Does At Fault Driver Pay For Rental Car?
After investigation of your accent, If someone else caused an accident, their insurance company pays the cost. In that scenario you are not requested for costs. But If an accident happens due to your fault, and you do not have any protection plan, you will be requested to pay the costs for both sides.
Insurance Prices of Rental Companies
Insurance prices change according to cars, locations, and reservation time. For example Alamo insurance prices range between $10 - $500. It is not possible to give a certain number for that price, but you can always get the best prices from Carla for your protection plan.
Carla Protection Plan Details
Carla provides the cheapest price with best inclusions. Here are the details of the protection plan.
- Damages to the rental car
- Applies to any size vehicle
- Applies regardless of who is at fault
- All drivers on the rental agreement is covered
- Cost of repairs for collision or damage to a rental car
Premium protection plan covers accident related damages with no deductible including windshield and tyres.