
We, all of us at Team Carla, are outraged by the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and the numerous other African American victims of police and other racist brutality. It is truly a dark period in our country. We are taking a public stand against racial injustice and as Carla Car Rental, we will not tolerate discrimination or hatred of any kind. Black lives matter.
We are also re-iterating our commitment that we will continue to treat every customer regardless of race, color, religion or creed equally and continue to strive providing them with outstanding customer experience.
This is indeed a challenging time for us as a country on many levels. And it's a reality we must confront. We are painfully reminded that xenophobia, racism, and many other forms of discrimination and hate are still alive and well among certain elements of our society. And it's clear that significant further action needs to be taken if we are going to ever achieve the vision that Dr. Martin Luther King laid out for us of a society where we are judged by the content of our character and not by the color of our skin.
We are here to do our part. We know that remaining silent should not be an option at this troubled time.