Rental cars for any budget
What's that cheapest rental car in Europe?
What about the most expensive one?

Fiat 500 is cheaper than a train ticket in Milan, Barcelona & Lisbon.
Ferrari 458 Speciale will make your day and credit card statement unforgettable.

Any type of car can be your perfect rental!
Ferrari Speciale can go from 0 to 100 km/h (0-62 mph) in 3,0 sec. whereas the Fiat 500 can get to 100km/h in 9.1sec
If you do not need the extra 6 seconds and choose to enjoy the view instead of the Italian hand-stiched leather seats, you can still find your perfect rental car on Carla . Cheap car rentals are no longer a dream!

If you want to learn more about rental cars, check out our other blog posts here.